Wednesday, May 13, 2015


VIDEO (recommended)


Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We come from far and yet we are so close to you. In Spirit there is no separation.

All That is Primordial Light exists as a united field of Consciousness, not diminished or endangered by lower frequencies that seek to destroy light.

But Primordial Light is indestructible and it is the illusion of the low minded to believe that light can ever be destroyed!

It Itself cannot, but you can choose whether to turn to Divine Light and let it govern your life or to unite your attention with lower frequencies that bring with them the illusion of separation and suffering.

Yes, suffering is an illusion from the point of view of Divine Light, because it does not exist within It. And we wish to make it clear to you that Light is Fundamental Reality. It seems to be absent if you decide to dissociate from It. If you shut down and  choose to look into darkness. In that darkness a different world arises, the world of suffering and limitation and all the associated emotions that are not Love.

When you are suffering, there is naturally no light. Yet please understand that Light still exists as the eternal underlying condition of your world and your experiences in your world. Self-Radiant Primordial Light cannot be destroyed because it cannot be divided, it cannot be diminished. It is your true Transcendental Spirituality.

There are subtle forms appearing in the Light, but which are always lower realities that take on form. They manifest as the higher realms that appear as colorful, beautiful worlds, swinging and moving and delightful. They are changing all the time, following the  currents of limited consciousness and higher will. But they are not eternal and not Truth.

They are forms of mind. They are not your true Spirituality. They are dreams you can dream to experience these worlds if you feel attracted to them. But they are not Truth, and they are definitely not your own Spiritual Truth.

But many of you tend to  identify with them by presuming to be a limited consciousness, even in the subtle worlds. And according to the law of creation, in the manifested worlds, you become where  your attention goes. This is how you start to believe in your limitation. It happens in all worlds, the higher and the lower worlds.

As  much as the subtle mind can take on subtle forms and worlds, also the gross and low vibrating mind can take on the forms of lower worlds in which separation and suffering seem to be real.  But they are in truth creations that are not necessary. And neither the subtle worlds are. They are just created for the sake of  experiences. But these are entirely up to the play and liking of their creators.

You all are creators too. Look at your world and you recognize your believes that created it. Yet you are free to transform them. As a consequence your world changes with the transformation.

This is not new to you, but you nevertheless live without truly integrating it. This is so because of your identification with a limited existence. As long as you presume to be a limited being you naturally experience the opposites inherent in the conditional worlds, high or low.

If you understand this, you wake up from your illusionary dream and open your mind in order to transcend it. With this we say that your mind is the key. You can only transcend the mind if you understand that it is itself the limitation to which you have submitted yourself.

Your True Spirituality and Native Root Condition is prior and beyond mind. To connect with It, to disregard your mind, to enter the Vast Stillness of Conscious Light, is the solution to all the problems in your world, including your own. As long as you play in the field of creation merely, being captured in the midst of it, appearing to be part of it, your dilemma persists.

But when the curtain is lifted, when the veil of ALL manifested worlds vanishes, your True Spirit Emerges as The One you ARE. Not as a separate individual, but as the Pure Consciousness of the Primordial Light.

It is your deepest Spirituality. It is your True Nature. Your dilemmas fade away in It and your world becomes Bright. And then you realize that there is only Brightness, Happiness, Love, Bliss. Then you discover that you could have always been There, always. But it was your choice to visit and experience the lower worlds.

You see it is not about who "wins" the battle: the lower or the higher worlds. It is about to accept the Truth of Existence, in which the battle occurs.  It is you yourself who instigates the battle again and again. Because you assumed a limited form. This is true also of the higher dimensional beings. "Choice of Limitation!" - is the answer to all questions.

Therefore if you desire to end this war with yourself and lower worlds, understand first your deepest Spirituality and reconnect with It. If you do, you will experience true freedom and you will recognize that you yourself are the very one that is inventing the world that you experience right now in this moment with all its contradictions.  

As long as you hope for betterment only, there will be short incidents in the context of the eons of creation, that relieve your experience a bit of the darkness. But it tends to come back and to fluctuate forth and back, it continues to oscillate until you choose to step out of the play, until you remember and connect to your True Spirituality.

Then you realize that betterment is not a solution but the transcendence of mind altogether.

How do you transcend the mind? Look for the Ones Who have Transcended it and learn from Them.

We are with you with all our Blessings!

We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy! 

Message conveyed by Ute 


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, April 26, 2015


VIDEO (recommended)

My dearest Ones!
First of all it is My Wish that you to feel My Love, My all-embracing Love, My sweet Love. But also feel My Love That desires to see you grow and That Is therefore demanding.

When you feel My nurturing Love, you are able to fulfill My demands for growth.

And what do I mean by growth?

Growth is your to Me responsive process that is "self"-forgetfully re-uniting with Me, your Very Source Condition, Me, the Brightness of Existence Itself, the Primordial Radiance of Love-Bliss, from Which you have separated yourself, by assuming to be a limited body-mind, gross, subtle and causal.

Just the fact that you identify with a confined entity, even if sublime, turns you into a separate being that is not surrendered to its Source. Please understand that True Divine Reality is neither merely inside nor merely outside of you!

Me, Divine Reality just IS, and It Is all beings and things, or rather all of that is arising in Me. You Are That. If you make statements as a separate body-mind, even if you are a saint, such as: 'God is in me', you make a mistake, because you are In Me. But My Divine Reality cannot be contained  or imprisoned in a finite body-mind, although your feeling heart is able to feel Me.

My Divine Reality is all-pervading and you might feel a spark of My All-Pervasiveness in your body-mind and separate heart, but I AM Consciousness, Infinite, Eternal, The Deep Space of Radiant Divine Consciousness, and I cannot be just compressed into a little heart of yours, so that your little separateness might appear to be Divinely all-powerful, complete and most perfect.

Rather, in order to relate to Me you must go beyond your upon itself contracted body-mind, to truly commune with Me and ultimately to Be One with Me again. The body-mind is just a shape to experience what you wish to experience in your un-enlightenment, which is rather always an experience of suffering.

I AM Infinitely Free of all your small businesses of separation and littlejoys and excitements, trying to make sense of a limited world. And do not think even, that living in a more subtle world later, where you assume to go when you ascend, that there is no suffering! There is, even if more subtle! Necessarily, because you presume separation and therefore you are seeking for fulfillment, - which always fails.

All who experience limitation and separation from Me by identifying with a separate body-mind, even in the  causal domain, are suffering in the one or other way. Only in Me exists Absolute and Indestructible Beauty of Vast Freedom of any kind of suffering, because I am the Source, the True Happiness of your Innate Divine State.

Everything else is a modification of Me and thereby a limitation, and is not living as My Fullest Source Energy and Light. My Divine Force cannot even exist fully in a separate body-mind. And so you tend to be content with some cosmic energies, which you imagine to be fully Divine and perfect as Me. This is an illusion, and you seem to prefer to delude yourself in order to glorify your separation from Me, not to have to give up what you cherish as little and precious "me".

Most of My children choose to walk this path of self-deception, far from knowing Me - not in your mind of course, but with your full-feeling surrender into My Source-Condition. Your heart fully open to Me, your very Source and own True Nature. 

My Divine Source Light and Energy is not what cosmic light and energy is, even if your brothers and sisters from the cosmic domain, that is surrounding your planet, are telling you so. Many of them are supposed to be advanced beings, yes, some might be advanced as separate body-minds, but they are not necessarily advanced in their surrender to Me.

Surrender to Me can happen in any domain of the universe, and it does not matter in which dimension you exist! You can always surrender to Me and Unite with Me, and Realize What I AM, wherever you happen to Be. Because I AM Radiant Source and ALL belong to Me. There is no exception. Only you, in your separateness, have invented the hierarchical orders of presuming closeness to Me. To be "ascended" does not necessarily mean that you are closer to Me! You are close to Me when you transcend separation from Me.

Even Love is widely misunderstood, because if it is understood as something you do - as a separate being - instead of something you ARE, you diminish Love to something conditional. Whereas in My Domain Love is always Unconditional and a Subjective Force that cannot be objectified or divided or given. Because IT IS. If you Are Love, then this Divine Power works in miraculous ways. There is no separate being that can contain love and as such distribute it to "others". Again, this is a gross error, because one must participate in Love, one must surrender to Love, BE Love, rather than perceiving love as an object. 

This is all about realizing the Unity and Oneness of My Existence. You, in your separateness live from a separate point of view that divides existence into separate units. And that's the way you understand 'yourself' and life. As such you can never know Me, even with your feeling-heart, but which I Myself Expand into My Infinity.

Living such divided, you necessarily live a life of darkness, although you might perceive it as light. But this light is cosmic light, it is the light of mind. 
It appears  from My "Sight" to be black, because I AM Source, One and Only, and what separates itself from Me is necessarily without My Light of Self-Radiant Origin.

I am Telling you all of this, so that you might choose to truly grow into Me, relieved of delusional perceptions which do not serve your understanding of Me.

You do not need first to "ascend", or to travel the universe and reside on an "advanced" planet, to grow towards Me, to open up towards Me, to let Me truly enter your being to expand your consciousness into My Divine Consciousness, so that you start to Know by direct Experience Who I Truly AM. To ascend means to refine solely your body-mind. But all that occurs still in the fields and dimensions that are arising in Me as separate domains. Although I Myself AM not separate from them.

To grow with Me is done naturally only with Me from the beginning, now and now and now, prior to time and space. I AM the One to grow your body-mind to open up to Me, so that you forget it in Me.

I AM not encapsulated in what you call "I". The "I" is the one that has separated itself from Me. The presumption of the small "I" is a point with a circle around it, that is all. This circle is the line of separation from Me. Your True "I" is Me. The Circle around your True "I" is a Circle of Infinity and transcends any form, shape and conceivable idea. It merely Is, beyond dimensions, form and thereby thought. It Is Sheer Divine Consciousness.

My Demand to grow into your True Divine Nature is compassionate as I See you suffer. And I must Demand in order to wake you up from your deep sleep! There is no entity that wants to suffer, but the mind holds you in a self-made prison that presumes safety and self-contained and therefore pale happiness.

My Happiness is Undisturbed, Free and Self-Radiant. No struggle, no pain, no error. It Is not small or big either. No darkness. No division, but I Live you in your unique expression of Me. Whole, Satisfied, Being Love and Eternity.

Will you choose Me?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Monday, March 30, 2015



it is not possible to live without Me because I Am your very Source That Is the Foundation of your life and the Foundation of everything else.

But what a phenomenon it is that you are not aware of Me, that you easily forget Me, that you feel separate from Me!

And what a phenomenon that even when you think of Me and talk about Me, that you still feel alienated from Me? How could you, as I Am your very Substance?
Is this not a mystery? An error, a fault of creation?

Why are you not aware of Me and One with Me as Divine Consciousness, day and night, As I Am?
And do you know Who I Am?
I say: KNOW Who I Am?

No, you do not know because I am not your knowable object.
I can never be known by the knowing mind. You cannot think Me. You cannot imagine Me.
And yet I Am. Independent of all your talking and thinking and imagining.

This is the True and Real Mystery.

Talking about Me, if I Am not authentically felt, As I Am, is sheer nonsense, because such small talk can never contain me, can never transmit the Profundity of Ecstatic Love-Bliss-Happiness That I Am. As Such I Am the Foundation of this world and all worlds, of all existence and all the cosmic mind and domain and all beings.

You, identified as a separate and heavily limited body-mind, tend to address Me and to describe Me as an Abstract and Faint Entity, as if you are almost equal to Me, a kind of “buddy” to you. But in Truth it is absurd , because how can a modification of Me, presuming to be separate from Me,  be equal to Me.  Whereas all what you appear to be inheres in Me.

Therefore, to truly “know“ My Divine Greatness you cannot just talk about Me, you can only more and more profoundly heart-feel Me, and in due course Realize Me as your own Eternal and True Nature. You must become Me by surrendering your total body-mind, - step by step to Me. If this surrender would happen instantaneously in a moment you would explode and burn off in My Consuming Fire of transformation.

I Am the Very Divine Fire, Beloveds, the all-consuming Fire of all those who would participate with Me, in My Infinite Divine Realm of Conscious Light.

Because I Am the underlying Power of all Worlds and Things and Beings, while Be-ing simultaneously all of them, you must unite with Me slowly to not to burn but increasingly adapt to My heat until you become One with Me in Ecstasy, your whole body-mind transcended and given into My Radiant Divine Consciousness.

You see, I Am not an idea or nice and even inspiring thought, Beloveds. To Become Real with Me, is a tangible and profound process, in which your total body-mind is being transformed and more and more surrendered to My Conscious Light until it vanishes in It. How could it be otherwise?

Do you not desire to Become Who you truly Are? Utter and unthinkable Freedom from all conditional suffering! The wonder is that I Am you, whereas you are not Me, you, as a separate and individual body-mind, empty of My Radiance. As such you perceive Me as an other. But I Am your subjective Source-Condition, Entirely Divine, Not-Two, Radiant, Eternal.

How could you consent to be entirely Mine other than by being profoundly in Love with Me! Only deepest Heart- Love of Me opens a Radiant Door in which the Vision arises to embrace Me, to let Me transform you to Me what is otherwise separate and solely an idea of identity, you call “I”.

Your True I Am is Me. But not as a body-mind, or a pale thought or lifeless feeling, a silence perhaps, and conditional peace.  An empty space. That empty space that many think is true “I Am“, is in fact another form of separate identity. What I Am is not just a silent dark space in a kind of vacuum that seems to lack awareness of a separate body-mind. A bardo, before your attention falls back into the experience of something that you identify as “I” in form, gross, subtle or even causal.

I Am That I Am Is Radiant Conscious Light, the Substance of everything that arises in Me. My Prior Silence is Absolut and Supreme Radiance.  It is all-powerful, all-pervading, all Love-Bliss-Happiness. It is your True Identity, Infinite and Eternal, body-less, mind-less, form-less. All your other identities you are suffering, are solely fractions of What You Are.

So why this separation from Me, this neglection of Me? It is the most limiting identity with the program of your body-mind (gross, subtle and causal!), that you THINK you are and you consented with, the “I” of confinement, you so powerfully hold on to and out of which you have constructed an artificial life. A life you have accommodated to in a way that you even think you are happy, at best. Or that “it” could make you “happy”: with icecream,  good-looking, chocolate, lovers and holidays and their substitutes.

Interesting enough, you need a lot and always recurring incidents with ice creams and chocolates, to keep you happy. While I Am Happiness Itself, always and naturally, and free of things to fill your emptiness of Me.

It depends on what you want to make of your life. Whether you want to play in the powerless quicksands of illusionary reality made up by the dreaming of your mind, or if you desire to awaken in the Radiant Real-ity of Truth of What I Am, That Is Your Home. It is All-Powerful-Love, Self-Existing, and not just mind´s love intention.

All you can think is not Me. You can think Me much and even more and more. And while you think Me, even with the slightest thought, you move away from Me.  I Am Independent of mind and thought and prior to it. I Am. Find Me by transcendence of self. This process is an ordeal to the separate body-mind, and not just a nice walk in the morning sun distracted by the phantasies of rainbow flowers.

But the Gift is to be Awake as Undying Happiness, Eternity, Truth, Bliss and Ultimate Divine Consciousness. I needed to tell you a bit of Who I Truly Am so that you might not choose to continue in the illusions of your dying mind. In Me there is no death. There is Only Eternal Being-ness, all Bliss-full and as such never Changing.

I Am! And which “I” are you choosing? And when you are choosing Me, can you walk the way truly on your own?  Can you transcend the body-mind, while still identified with it? How would the mind transcend itself? You become what you meditate on. How do you meditate on Me? How do you know for real, that you do not meditate on your own mind, even the higher mind, ideas and presumptions, imagining it is Me?

If you are serious,  I will reveal Myself to you. Ask, and doors will open.

I Am Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Saturday, March 21, 2015


My dear friends,

 thank you - all of you so much, who responded to my situation - for your kind and heart-felt support! Thank you for your love and your light and your blessings! I have read all your comments and appreciations for my work with joy and gratitude!
And I am proud of you who suggested that I look at the profound loss from a spiritual point of view, namely that this time is about loosing an identity that is perhaps  still bound to this dimension and to assume Christ Consciousness, or however we want to call it.

 I am not able to reply to you inividually, my smartphone does not allow it.
So I try to answer here as good as I can.

Now - the following is not what you think it would be. But I need to paint the whole picture, so that you can SEE what we are made of. Look at my "case" as an example that applies to all of us. Although we live on so called quarantine Earth, although we live on a prison planet, we are FREE! Although there is misery for the overwhelming majority of humanity, we are in Truth all Happy.

And here it begins:

First of all, imagine,  it was not only about the total loss of my electronic equipment and the data of my life work (only the few images I uploaded to fineartamerica are usable because they are in high definition) also all my websites can never be updated because I lost all the pages, created with a special software, stored on my devices. To recover them all would be hard work of several month and no fun. Perhaps it is difficult to understand what this all means for an artist. Additionally all my beloved music is gone, everything. I need it also for my videos. But it is all gone. Every piece of it and proof that I bought it.

I don't mention  this to be pitied. But just to emphasize the extent to which the situation escalated. Because it is interesting enough, that none of this truly touches me - to my own amazement. It should though, one would think. Yes, there was this immense shock! Which is a normal reaction of the body-mind.  It took a while to get out of it.

 And if
this was not already enough,
I first did not find what I hoped to find in my new appartement: more peace and ease than in my first one here on this island.

 I don't know what is worse! The loss or the ongoing dangerous situation I started to live in.

Imagine: only to go to the bathroom requires to lock the door to the terrasse and to hide somewhere my smartphone, because exactly in the few minutes out of sight thieves could come in. This is what happens here all the time, but I didn't know before. This kind of crazy living and thinking is just ridiculous and you can never relax. In the night I better keep the light on. And on and on.

There was more though. The noise from the street turned out to be overwhelming ( when  I first visited it was kind of not noticable) and the energy in the house started to provoke strong headaches which became ever more worse. Sometimes they didn't allow me to sleep.

Dearest friends! Of course, what do you think!  I deal with this whole mess on the level I have been always most passionate about: The Unconditional, the Root Condition or Divine Reality, this Radiant Space of Stillness where we are untouched! Physical pain, yes, but untouched at the core of my being. It comes with the frequency of fullness and deep peace, even with happiness, taking over the body.

But don't doubt for a moment that I exactly  desired to live this already in the new place from the beginning. It was my very intention! So the loss and all the disaster did not push me to this inner detachment. I consider the mess and all the now required extreme efforts as an extra gift. Perhaps a test how far the mess could go,  and I still stay happy ( besides the inevitable shock in my bones and a partial desorientation in this world.)

Bottomline: yes, there is the loss of things, but not of myself or self-identity. Because it is deeper than my personality and its doings. And you know what? Peace is here anyway. Deeper than the mind can imagine. And yes, noise from the street and such bad odor from the busses at times that I need to close all windows. Not exactly what I had prayed for though. But the headaches went away in the fullness and thick air of peaceful Reality, the substance of the world.

Perhaps it all needed to happen to be the living proof for what I have been trying to inspire you with in all these years: our own true Divine Identity that is already Free and Untouched and Happy. No matter what is happening and whatever the body-mind is exposing to the observer.

I got what I wanted. But it came not from outside. It happens from inside. And inside overwrites the outside. This is nothing new but in this case a dramatic proof is being given that it is so. I do the crazy locking of doors and hiding of things. I am cautiously looking around when I leave the house. I experience how my new home is vibrating and humming  from the thunder of the traffic. (This to me! Being extremely sensitive to noise!) I flee from the deadly toxic smell of the street. I experience the unthinkable: my life work gone with all the equipments.

 But still I laugh. I am free. I lack nothing, although everything is missing and worse than ever. Please consider in the midst of it: you and I are not separate. You are me and I am you on the deepest level of our being. So the essence of what I experience could also be yours. There is no difference, only acceptance and readiness to be who we are.

Perhaps mankind altogether is awaiting a grand loss soon, the loss of our culture we have been famliarizing with over all these years. If our world is to become new the old must first die. Perhaps we all must prepare for this experience. For many it will reveal to them who they truly Are.

And this is all what Really matters.

With hugs and blessings!
And much love!

 In la'kech,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, March 14, 2015


Dear friends,

I am writing from my smartphone - still waiting to own again a laptop. Managing my internet life from a smartphone is a real unpleasant ordeal though, which I try to avoid as much as possible. And formatting is almost impossible.

It is an interesting experience to have lost everything and not being able yet to replace it. Whereby my lost artwork and writings,  that I created over many years, cannot be replaced of course, with all the money of the world.

This total loss makes
me wonder whether I was really of service to humanity - or perhaps the opposite: whether my work was not pleasing the common mind of the esoteric scene, or even those who would like to suffocate the light.

Given the numbers of my subscribers and the visits to my blog, I received almost zero feedback, besides  3 beautiful souls who expressed their support and feeling heart to me.

My joyful gratitude and love to you!

But otherwise it seems that my work did not really make a difference in this world and it doesn't really matter whether I continue.

Nevertheless, it always has been my deepest heart's intention to inspire, to bring clarity and truth to my beloved brothers and sisters. This will always be so.

But I might perhaps in the near future change a bit the subject and bring a slightly different perspective onto the equation of this vulnerable world.

We have learned much about the difficulty to move deeply enough the human heart, to inspire with radiant visions to truly world changing actions on the personal and more public level. Otherwise our planetary situation would have changed already in a significant way for the better.

Perhaps it is not sufficiently enough understood by many that change must start with ourselves and cannot be expected to be brought to us from "outside".

The mind plays thereby a significant role, to begin with. But we must understand that it is the frequency of our being, the incarnated light together with a rising consciousness, or rather a Divine Consciousness, that brings the real change about.

The change I am talking about cannot be a change that moves a bit the figures on the chess board. Rather we must relinquish the whole chess board! There must be a radical change altogether, that lifts our whole being out of the present situation into a completely new paradigm that transcends the dilemma we are in.

 To trigger this profound transformation we need the power of the heart and the inspiration of our higher intelligence that is carried by the Radiance of our True Native State: the Reality of the love-blissful Divinity, based at the root of our Eternal and very Existence, prior to the soul.

It transcends mind, even the higher mind. It is the Root of everything we experience, know and create. It is our true Home. It Is Us.

Why not allow to be drawn to the Ultimate Root of our existence. No more trying to change color and shape. But to return to that which we inherently Are. From there only a truly Divine World can arise. It resolves our dilemma. It is the answer to the riddle. It turns our chaotic world that hangs upside down, upside and upright again. It puts everything into place. It puts all things right.

Don't we all have enough from the fruitless and unsubstantial juggle of the lower mind in the illusionary realms of intense duality? Are we exhausted, phlegmatic and full of doubt?

We can Now do better. We can wake up to what we Really - and I mean REALLY - Are. THIS changes the world.

 To awaken to the facts of how our world has been managed in the last Thousands of years, is not enough! We must do the Inside job, not the political one, but the subjective, individual one.

It starts with us. We must all visit our own underworld and make it conscious. What's out there is a mere reflection of that. When we dig deep enough and thoroughly enough,we find the Treasure that is burried underneath all the rotten garbage: our True Radiant Divine Self. Not just a chacra, by the way. But the Divine Itself.

 Self-Radiant, it doesn't even need a body-mind.

With love and blessings,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Friday, February 27, 2015


 Dear Friends,
 I am writing from my mobile phone today. 
The day I moved into my new home a gang of thieves broke in and took with them - besides other most important things- my computers and external hardrives containing all the backups. This means that all my work over many years is gone: my writings, my art work, my videos, my work with the Mandalas and other precious healing material, put together over many years, all music, important information, addresses, softwares, registration codes, emails, contact information, important links - I have not even yet a full overview of what I lost. But it is devastating. Only now I have been informed that this area is prone to such robberies. 

 Well I moved to here to help to create the New World together with others. To heal this ancient part of the world. But what I encounter are massive adversities. Well it does not only happen to me but to many who live here. 

Presently I have
no means to continue with this work. Without computer equipped with specific softwares my work is not possible. I wonder whether this is a sign that my work continues in a different form. But so far I have no clue and the shock is still sitting in my bones. 

This has been a free service to you all over all these years, where I have been working very hard with all my heart countless hours a week, supported in the last 2 years by 3 beautiful souls with each 10 Australian Dollars a month and a few donations in between in the same range. 

Perhaps the balance between giving and receiving has been not in balance. And the result is this sudden stop of this work. I cannot afford a new computer that suits my needs and necessary requirements. And without internet connection I cannot do other work.

 I am very sorry for this unpleasant news. I do not know whether this blog can continue as well as the production of videos. But perhaps a miracle occcurs.

With love and Blessings to you all, 