Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Personal Update, 20.4.2016

Beloved  friends,

at the moment I am  posting rarely. This is due to health issues, which are not easy to deal with and require a lot of attention to heal. 
This goes very deep, and as it is widely known, it is always easier to heal others than oneself.

The new powerful incoming energies, in conjunction with extremely heavy Saturn transits to all my  major planets are forcing me to face what I have not been able to face before, because it is so deep.

I consider this as a blessing and an opportunity. And it is good to know too, that the whole process is closely related to my mission here, meaning also: I am not a victim.

And so are you, in case you are also going through a major challenge.

Much love  and many blessings to you all!

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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To support the expenses I have for my work. Thank you!

Friday, March 25, 2016


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My Beloved Ones!
Always remember: your world changes, the Truth That You Are, never changes.

Your Truth is Divine Truth, is Eternal, Is Substance and Primordial Essence of Existence, nothing less. It Exists before mind arises.

Do you understand?!

When mind arises, the multitude of worlds, universes and things appear. The dimensions unfold, emotions arise, experiences drive you and the notion of opposites seem to be real.

In Me, the Real, That Is The Eternal One, you all, the many souls and all the differences appear to dance the dance of joy and happiness and light, or walk the walk of suffering and darkness.

But beyond -  there is the infinite Source of Love and Bliss and you will come to know that Love even contains darkness and suffering, because Love embraces all.

For you who is captured in a 3dimensional setting of experience and limited to duality and what the senses of the gross body tell you, it is difficult to understand. But when you let go of that densest perception and open up to What I AM, your Source and True Own Infinite Nature, via unlimited Feeling of the Illuminated Heart, you start to develop intuition for your own Truth.

Only slowly is your dense world changing, if you are trying to climb up the ladder to the Radiant Unconditional That Is Me, in your effort to ascend. In Reality you live already beyond ascension as The One That Is Unchanging. Everything in between is just a play of perception of densities and episodes of relative happiness that is always obscured by the veils of mind.

If you would desire to be Awake in Me, your eternal I AM, ascension will not matter for you. Because you realize that all you need is the Un-conditional Happiness that is the Source of all Creation, not a happiness that is limited by dimensional experiences and changes of form, may they be even experienced by a fraction of you as sublime.

Indeed as long as your highest goal is realization of only a fraction of Your True and Ultimate Nature, you  wander in the dimensions of creations. And who cares, whether it is the 4th, 5th or 12th and higher dimension. It all happens in the realms  of limitation, even though you are not aware of it, in the believe you have done it all, you have already arrived at the top of the mountain. This mountain is but merely an imagery of self-grandeur, a dreamlike illusion of perfection, a prison to your True Self.

Truly Perfect Is That Which is not Changing, Stillness, Source, Eternity, Radiance, Unlimited Power of Being, Love and Bliss. Pure Divine Consciousness.

This IS What you can always realize with appropriate means of self-discipline and love, surrendered,  already now, while you prepare that things change in your world that is half dark half light. Yes, you can always turn to the light, but notice that My Light is Above that light of the universes.
It Is Unconditional Light and Consciousness, while the light of the universes is conditional and changing.

Why wait for the bit of more happiness in an ascended world, instead of uniting with Me for Perfection, even NOW, because I AM Always Present and attainable if you release your contraction away from Me. I AM Now and so Are You. 'Now' is not a thought, as many teach. Now is prior to mind and not related  to the body, not an idea, and cannot be compared to anything, even the most subtle veil of mind that you hardly can recognize as such.

I AM Free, and so You Are, even now, if you allow the Great Opening beyond the schemes of your difficult world  into My Eternal Room to occur. There your impatience vanishes with the Realization, that You have Arrived where you Always Have Been, because It Is Me.

There, the endless vibrations of your mind will not have to end, although at least they will, but they become what they are: entertainment as conditional worlds, experiences, not necessary, but filling My Space you think is empty. Yes, empty from your separate point of view, but Full when You Assume Your Seat That Is Yours as Me.

Then dreams come to rest, and you recognize them for what they are: transient appearances you were used to identify with falsely.

I AM Your True Identity. I AM Your True Nature. Be Truly Happy!

I AM your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Sunday, February 21, 2016



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A Message from the  Spirit Beings of the change of time and transformation. 

We would like to tell you, that a huge breakthrough has occurred in your world. It is a breakthrough of a kind that happened never before. It is not the repetition of something old from earlier in your history, but it brings about a radical new experience.

This new experience is not that easy to recognize and integrate, but requires your conscious opening and collective preparation.

We are companions on your way. Call us Spirit Beings of the change of time and transformation. We are perpetually in a floating state, ready for new forms of existence. Our consistency and stability is our consciousness, our capability of detached observance and  awareness of gross and subtle substances, forms, states and creations.  

What we convey to you is therefore a communication of changing forms of consciousness from the point of view of the observer. We are not identified with the changes of our own form or form of consciousness, that mirrors the great world events.

We will now describe to you what we are presently aware of. As it always takes some time until what we perceive also reaches humanity, we have decided this time, to inform you directly what awaits you in your near future. The processes usually evolve in a way that some of you, - and then increasingly more of you – experience changes in  the higher domains of their consciousness, which then manifest in greater density, whereby then all humanity is able to recognize them as it solidifies as something you then call reality.

We communicate with you about this new change already now, to bring it faster into your morphogenetic field. Why are we doing this?

To help you to bring the long awaited shift quicker into manifestation. Too many of you suffer unbearable long standing situations which seem at this time to get worse and even more dense.

What we now are being aware of, requires of you great opening for the unusual new and the transcendence of doubt.
What we see now, is an immense, even sharp rift in the veil of remaining darkness in your realm, allowing intense Light to flow unimpeded into your dimension.
With this Light suddenly a new consciousness arrives, a consciousness with an energy so powerful that many of you will not be able to easily deal with it.

You would rather need some time, to cope with it. We wish to give you this time, so that you are able to already now prepare for it.

How do you prepare?
It happens, by not concealing yourself any longer! Not from yourself and not from others. Showing who you truly are. With all and every aspect of your being, not holding back, but communicating all of it openly to yourself and share it with others.

You all must know that this radical disclosure to yourself and others liberates blockages and remaining suppressed parts of energy, allowing them to expand and to unite and merge with the incoming higher vibrations. You may also call it a conscious purification process of the human collective itself. Now the time has come, where collective purification processes make great sense, because they lead exponentially to faster and more powerful results.

An important factor is your courage, to show yourself as you are, your trust, that each one of you is part of a most important process of humanity, in which each one of you is included. By totally and openly showing yourself, immense energies are being set free, which released into the ether, gives room for the soon enormous Light of Consciousness, without you being thrown off track by this event.

It is known to us that many of you have participated in the past in purifying group processes. Thereafter many of you withdrew upon themselves again. But this was only the beginning.

The new group processes start already at the level of love and mutual acceptance. Therefore we recommend that those of you who reached this level of love and self-love and self-healing, initiate the beginning of these processes. The morphogenetic fields that are created thereby unite, and communicate directly with your human society. And so this process can progress rapidly, bringing Light to all of humanity.

Please understand that our call must be taken serious. If advanced lightworkers work with one another in that way, deep rooted discrepancies can be resolved,  which are the cause for so many divided groups between you, weakening humanity's field of light.

You will be able to resolve problems with structural differences in the grand unity-field that is the power of love, in a way that you not longer experience them as disturbing but as enriching, accepting them with joy.

The new unification that emerges now, is lifting the consciousness and frequency of humanity such, that the enormous conscious light, approaching earth, can be integrated by the majority of humanity with ease and without damage.  

Radical opening of your heart for the current of life and all forms of consciousness can happen in this way, something that has not yet been incarnated in this form on your planet.

You are called to dare to leave your hideaways, to find one another and to unite and to surrender. Especially your sense of being different, being special, being selected, and to leave everything behind that separates you, every phantasy of separation you have created, and to EXPERIENCE, that there is only ONE life, in which you all participate.  A life in the absolute light, in the power of love, that belongs to all of you equally.

We thank you for your cooperation, for your enthusiasm, for your love and devotion to this new great humanity process.

Even if you are not yet ready for it, it will be required from you all soon. Therefore, the earlier you engage in it with all your heart, the easier it will be for you, to take the great shift as a wave of bliss, without struggle, without confusion, pressure or pain, as you have already tuned into it.

Some of you will accept our advise and together with others initiate these processes. Others will still hold back.

But for all of you the chance is arriving now to evolve in a new way, to participate in the great cosmic events, as Servants, as Lovers, as Messengers, as Bearers of a New Consciousness, that is ushering the Golden Age on Earth.

We are with you, holding the portal open for the vision of the Irrupting Grand Light of the new Consciousness.

Conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Friday, February 12, 2016


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel



Dearest Friends


In the New Light 
no illusion of the old world holds. 
There is now another Reality 
in which  the schemes of the Matrix 
do not exist.

Now, as the dawning of a New World 
has come to here, 
we have a new choice:
where do we prefer to BE!

It is like a switch 
we have to remember to turn,
to choose the new frequency 
of luminous perfection,
that does not speak the split tongue, 
that does not know
what we thought for so long to be true: 
 the chains of shadow-land, deception and error.

But even they are the necessary 
stepping stones to transcend, 
to serve the quantum leap.

We are no victims, because we no longer
identify with them.
We are free, because we Are Divine.  

Now only truth shines, 
into the One Heart of Forgiveness,
lifting into Brightness
 what is still sleeping in the dark.

Forgotten what once pain was.
Resurrection into 
a different perception of reality
leaving behind everything
we once knew.

Because only Pure Clarity remains,
Pristine, unstained without difference.
One Single Radiant Field of Perception
and Being-ness. 

Holding firmly and lightly
a new consciousness
without regret, memory or hope.

Because here nothing remains
to hope for,
as we arrived at the Place
of the polished mirror.

Why hope for things?
And this field of Luminous Peace
is like a smooth Surface
that is reflecting All. 

We are now free to switch in any moment
if we choose. 
Because here is no drama.
No loss and no gain.
It is equilibrium.

And is it a an intermediate way point?
From where we journey further
after we immersed
our entire past there,
put it to the Zero-Point! --
so that a new creation can emerge
that is purely ours:

From our Eternal Divine Heart
In Joy and Dance and Love.
Sometimes a borrowed space,
then expanding into radiant spaceless-ness. 

With love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2015. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Thursday, January 28, 2016


VIDEO (Recommended)


The time has come when you must prepare to take action.

This is our loving advise to you. It is about you acting now without fail for the betterment and unity of your world which begins within. 

It is wise to no longer hesitate deciding NOW what your own future and thereby the future of your planet and of humanity will be, or better - should be, because you are the co-creators of your own destiny, surrendered to Divine Will.

Although this is not a new idea, most of you still deny your creative powers, presuming - or rather pretending that you are mere endurers of somebody else's destiny or what they decide what should be your future.

We ask you to look inside your heart, without delay, and discover your true impulses, not those that an artificial social belief and value system has forced upon you, but those that are truly your very own and unique impulses, you are here to fulfill in this incarnation.
To contribute your part, by participating in the great and beautiful human musical accord of human sanctity.

You, the majority of humanity, have forgotten, who you are. Rise now, allowing in every moment the message of your heart to govern you life. Even if in the beginning this inner voice and power of knowing is weak, please follow it, test the waters and it will become stronger every day.

It must happen now. And you have always known that you were destined to live an inspired and happy life from inside out, no matter what. But you despaired at one time and since believed that you have been in error and gave up.

Your outer world is the mirror of that. Your doubt in love was your fall. 
Understand now that this was not your fault but consider it to be a test, how far you would go in your trust and self-love, how strong your love was. You did not lose, you only made experiences, to understand love better and your own Divine Self, when you consciously would return to It, knowing what Love and Self-Hood is not.

Not waking up now to your true Self and Divine Authority and taking the destiny of your race and planet into your own hands, would delay your freedom to a later time, as it then would seem you still need more time to explore your prison and seeming helplessness, to experience more of  lethargy and your choice to passively be governed by those with a will.

You are now tested whether you want to be alive and demonstrate that life is a creative process in which you participate in unity with your creator that is your Eternal Self.

This is all about the Breakthrough of the Eternal One in His own form that appeared to separate itself for a time from its Source.

When the Great Moment of universal Sacred Union comes, when Source and Creation snap together in a second's moment to truly become One – your world will turn around, changed forever, as the Great Mover resumed His governing Force in all creation, and in the consciousness of mankind.

When you begin to see yourself again as a part of the Great Happening that is the Universal Consciousness, this is because you remember Yourself as a Force of Love and Joy. In this moment you no longer will allow to be held captive by limiting forces of weakness, but recognize the Divine Power that desires to become active in you.

As long as you believe the whispering of the seducer that you are separate from the Whole, you have not understood Yourself. And it is actually your false identity that you must question now to awaken from your mortal dream of being merely flesh. To awaken from your false belief that you are just compressed and dense frequency and nothing more.

There are so many more levels of existence that are making up your true humanness that is Mere and Unlimited Consciousness. When you are willing to re-discover them, you will take into your hands again your Divine Destiny. And like a Giant who wakes up from the dream, all chains he wore in his sleep break, to give room to infinite inspired movement and freedom.

Do not despair. Because the Divine always moves to Victory, as It always Wins.

We have this time given you some poetry to reach your heart so it may listen to the Eternal Song and remember.

We are the Blue Avians.

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2015. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
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"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Thursday, January 14, 2016


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Naturally we don't speak the word but express through signs and sound.
But for those who don't have access to these we may speak through a human tongue.

We are from the highest realms of light and ecstasy, healing and upliftment for the human race and all  that is ready to walk the path of the new Divine Creation to expanded visions of realities of perfection.

Our existence has been newly created, as all beings and worlds are being uplifted to the Glory of the ever evolving ecstasies of the Eternal Divine Heart.

Nothing old will persist, but dissolve into the glorious currents of new creations that are happening now and continue unceasingly.

Our joy is beyond what a human heart might fully be able to experience and realize, because humanity's heart is still kept in prisons of confinement by those who created the lower worlds of limitation and darkness. This prison is a prison of frequency of the body's of man that does not vibrate yet on the new higher dimensional light.
In deed, vibrating in such height, would destroy the physical body.

Therefore we are the messengers for the New Earth and Newly Resurrecting and Ascending Humanity. However to connect with us now has the power to raise your light quotient step by step significantly.

In fact, we are not separate from New Humanity, we are your forerunners in the subtle realms of light who are slowly entering human consciousness, drawing it to higher and Divine Perception and Awareness. Surpassing all programmings of dead and self-perpetuating structures that do not allow the Divine to experience and express Itself as It Desires in new creations.

Our Songs can be heard by the heart that is surrendered to the Love that Shines forth from the highest heavens and that is Undivided and One beyond the dual and opposite creations of the lower mind.

We are now close to you if you wish. Allow the frequencies of our Divine Ecstasy vibrate your total being into new visions of Divine Exaltation, where you truly belong.
Do not doubt but allow to open your gates of body and heart and mind to resonate with the Luminous Currents of the New Creation that is manifesting by Divine Will and Order.

We are but servants to this process, to elevate - with the Grace and Blessings of the Infinite - what is decreed to enter new magnificently radiant realms of creation. Do not hold on to what you already know and think is new. Let it all go, receiving as co-creators the insemination from the Unheard and Unknown and make it your newborn experience.
That way you too serve the experience of Infinite Intend.

Dearest humanity, be inspired and never look back for not to hinder the glorious unfoldment of the conscious light on which all living beings, the universes, suns and planets thrive.

Rise like phoenix. And the already obsolete will dissolve in the ashes of forgetfulness. Participate with us, ignoring what you don't want, but live what your heart that rests in the Divine, truly desires.

We Are The Angel Gods!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


Please donate or subscribe on a monthly basis
  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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