Friday, February 24, 2017


VIDEO (recommended)

The world is a difficult place to live for many now.
And it appears to the superficial eye that it is not getting better. 

The earth is shaking, waters are uncontrollable, hurricanes leave a trace of devastation behind them, a vast majority of humanity live in poverty and fear.

It is but the visible mirror of what is arising from the depth of  the human collective consciousness to be transformed into the light! All of this is the result of frequencies that are changing the world: The full spectrum of frequencies, some used as weapons against humanity by non-intelligent beings and those frequencies of powerful light that pours down on the planet for the sake of awakening of humanity, directed by beings with Divine Intelligence and Love.

Many lightworkers are tested profoundly to overcome desperation, when facing your worst nightmares now, that are triggered through increasing artificially generated dense frequencies and toxic substances. It is about karmas you haven't released yet for good. Those that are root issues in your lives and which may pull you down into doubt and depression, because you are not yet transparent enough to heavy vibrations. 

But accepting that you are actually graced with having to face your deepest attachments and unresolved issues, enables you to release them because they have become conscious to you!  With this immense force of  Divine Light which blesses humanity, also the opportunity to release what is still binding you to the lower dimensions is given to you. The question is always: where are you turning to!

If you honour your choice then in fact this battle is in reality working FOR you.

You who are longing for wholeness and happiness, you are now learning a lot about your power of creation. You are learning now to no longer perpetuate a false reality which makes you suffer, but to discipline your thoughts and consciously choose where you put your attention for the sake of healing and self-love!

Choose wisely! This is a very serious moment if you wish to live as an autonomous being of light. You are now challenged not to give up but to accept the challenge to be the warrior of light you agreed to be, before you came here into this situation.

As the challenge is considerable, it might require however all your strength, all of your power reserves to stand tall in this battle for freedom and to call in the Divine Powers of Love and Light! And you will be victorious!
You need to step out of the storm of life despising frequencies and perhaps the storm of painful emotions into the eye of the storm itself, into that place of stillness and equanimity, that is all over your body, if you allow to sit down in your silent heart, feeling into infinity beyond the turmoil, leaving the activities of your brain alone.

Forget about what bothers you, find that stillness. With whatever means. In this stillness there is no painful frequency whatsoever that can reach you or disturb you! This stillness vibrates above any negativity and is therefore no target that resonates with the lower dimensions.

This is because you ARE by your true nature free, your spirit, soul, deeper personality or higher self free! Always has been. Only the instrument of your body can be a target if you make it so by allowing too much density while holding on to old karmas - but which can be released now.

So your body needs to be flooded with light throughout, the light of the Divine Source, the God-Self, That is also your original State. Allow this Divine Light to purify whatever your issues are that surface in that challenge. Surrender to that Love-Light, let it do It's Sacred Work, and what is dense und suffering dissolves in Unconditional Love.

This is: being a creator. A true creator! Allowing the Divine to create It's Own.

What storm then!? In this Divine Domain there is no devastation, this illusion transcended, your true purpose and identity revealed, the battle won. Not by your ego, wanting a better and nicer illusionary 3D world in the matrix, but by the Principle of your Own Native State of Divinity. There no duality exists, but One Single Light of Consciousness, beyond brainwaves. Your whole body transformed in It! Contained in It!

It is not about winning the battle AGAINST the "enemy". It is about transcending the battle field within yourself! As you know, serious problems can only be resolved on a higher dimensional level.

This is a call to lightworkers, to release remaining illusions about making a world of light and dark better, by "bettering" themselves within a world of duality. 

Rather it is about to begin to understand that spiritual life at this critical point needs to become a transcendental state of Divine Consciousness to become full and true. To fulfil the destiny of the Divine Human Being, to step out of the fields of turmoil forever.

Be aware that the challenges you are having to face presently, are but a means to usher you forward to your true destiny. This kick looks like to be the necessary Divine Grace to free you radically from what holds you back to enjoy ultimately a happiness and fulfillment that can never ever be destroyed.

Without this kick, how would most of you feel urged to move out of old unlucky habits and tendencies that tie you to the past, the very past that you need to transcend in order to become truly free from the illusions of the matrix.

Now you are gifted with the opportunity to step up to what you ARE: Free Beings, Divine Creator Gods, to experience an existence of pure joy and love.

So do not regret, do not pity, do not give up your hopes, but understand that there has never been true spiritual growth in this dense reality without hardship and ultimate challenge to the separate ego. Who teaches otherwise is misleading you!

Indeed, humanity is blessed, although it might not look like it! Look at the big picture, use the eagle's eye to see the wisdom that is testing the spiritual strength of humanity.  It is actually the ancient path of >discipleship< on earth, now having become a global trial for all to ascend to higher consciousness who came to here to realize it. 

As so many have forgotten their purpose, they are now reminded without the chance of escape: Their loving destiny is calling them!

Feel the joy, hidden behind all this, discover the immortal happiness in your heart that arises like phoenix from the ashes of the dark illusion. Because it understands that there is in Truth Only Love That is One with Divine Light, undisturbed from the play of dense frequencies in lower dimensions.

It radiates in clarity and heart-satisfaction, in overwhelming beauty. Wake up from that dream you have dreamed for so long, forgetful of your Divine Heritage. Each roller coaster produces at the end the ignition of higher light and ecstasy! But when you are bound within the floods of up and down, you only see a moment of danger.

Tides are coming and going, but your Heart is forever free, pristine, sublime, your body contained in it. Because the Divine Self is of unlimited Radiance. In this Radiance the world - as is - does not matter, whatever its condition is.

Be Uplifted! Be Inspired! Be Happy!

Message conveyed by my Higher Self.

Much love,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you! 

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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Personal Update

My Dear Friends,

since quite a while my family is going through a very challenging time, needing my support. This requires almost my entire energy and attention. So at this point I am a bit exhausted and have very little time to post on this blog.

However I am looking forward to resume this work in a few weeks or so more regularly, I don't know....

May you all be well!
May you rest in the eye of the storm that is your heart!

With much love and many blessings!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you! 


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Tuesday, January 24, 2017


First of all: In the midst of your life, how ever it plays out, do not forget that there is ONLY LOVE.
It Is The Basis Of Existence. It Is Me.

Now feel it, merge with this feeling, while your heart widens, becomes soft, your whole body soft, and so your world made soft. Expanded Stillness, EXISTING INFINITE EXISTENCE …. This is Truth on which ground your life plays ….

Look now: so much chaos, so much contradictions, lies, imponderabilities, inconsistencies. Fears, losses, betrayals. All of this, yes.

However: I AM. It is but the mere play upon Me.  Keep your heart expanded in the midst of all of that! Can you do this? You will notice that you tend to contract when you face what you do not wish to happen, or even contract when you are in fear of desires that might not be fulfilled.

But I Say to you: STAND in your expanded heart that brings peace to all situations that do not fit the concept of your search. Of course you prefer to see peace rather than war, happiness rather than unhappiness, love rather than hatred.

But in the conditional world, where you tend to dramatize the unavoidable oppositions within the concept of duality, the right and appropriate always comes with their counterpart. Both are inseparable and come in tandem! Pray for one thing, and be sure what you desire to avoid arrives sooner or later too.

You may entertain  yourself with preferences, but resume your position prior to it in your seat of limitless consciousness and let the things pass by as they happen to pass. It does not mean you give up preferences and  avoid to engage yourself in changes, inside and outside, by right actions.

But to evolve, it is fundamentally a matter of non-search in the world of unavoidable  opposites, in order not to be pulled into struggle, frustration and misery, but to maintain equanimity and untouchable clarity and serenity in the midst of a disturbed world.

You change the world while changing yourself.
You create a new and divine world, while living as if you live already  there. And you live there when you live My Peace, My Love, My Softness and Infinity in all your engagements.

Even healthy anger allows your simultaneous dwelling in Me, if your consciousness is expanded in Me, your awareness with Me, Knowing Me Who is the Source in Whom anger, distress, sadness, guilt, fear and  your entire chaotic world arises.

Seeing Me in all your worldly affairs, does not mean they do not exist as they are, even in their ugliness and shortcomings, but it means you see My Divine Essence Present in all of it, because nothing can exist without Me.  Even the foundation of chaos is Peace.

Listen to noise while opening wide and with trust your whole being from inside out, listening to infinity, and you will know that the foundation of noise is silence. 

You are deeply disturbed when you live from your own surface only, and therefore what disturbs you is but the surface of existence, Me forgotten, which at this very moment is only changing and moving and altering, with innumerable variations of faces and forms and designs, shifting from imperfect to perfect and immediately back to imperfect and even perhaps to the most dreadful appearance. Try to discover Me in even the very last where you would expect Me to exist.

Find Me Inside and you will find Me outside too. But you must begin inside always.

Ponder this: All what is outside of Me, is but a reflection of Me and My Perfection. All that is outside of you, is but a reflection of you, and this might have many meanings in your state of separation and surface personality.

If you merge with Me, you can have both: Perfection and imperfection. Never look at imperfection without being aware of My Perfection. So you might have preferences, but you are really never lost in the miseries of duality, as you never forget Me again.

Use the play of heart-breaking opposites to find Me -  Unchanging Reality - beyond. Intuit and discover the infinite Field  of spotless, luminous Truth "above" the ever-changing flicker of appearances. 

This is the meaning of transcending the world. It is not abouy dreary asceticism. It is about choosing to be fully alive, happy and a vessel of My Love as a Divine Being. No search. Your heart truly satisfied. Imbued with all riches.

I Love You!
I Am your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you! 


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Friday, January 6, 2017


My Beloveds!

It is true! Beautiful and powerful energy waves are arriving on your planet, raising the consciousness of those who can with devotion surrender to them. Therefore consciousness has potentially risen to a new level on which you easily can transcend your old world because the new light-vibration is empty of the disturbing information of your old world. It vibrates in a divine beauty and brilliance that is completely unattainable and unrecognizable by those missing still unconditional love and the willingness to receive the expanding light of higher divine intelligence.

It is possible from now for a new world to arise, a world, basically free from  suffering, a world of love and great joy. There are very, very few who  are able at this time to establish permanently this new consciousness and its spotless frequency, to maintain it and live it.

However, still it is a vibration of the mind, although of the divine mind. But it is not My Source Energy and Light, although some of my Beloveds think it is.

It is a derivation of Me, an appearance of white light from My Absolute Divine Radiant Source Condition in Which the whole universe appears to be even dark!

How would you Know!
You will understand the relative truth of the new frequency as you will notice that it is something different from you, coming to you, a vibration that is – "outside" from you - arriving from the cosmos.

I Am NOT arriving. I Am and I Am here and always have been, pervading and surrounding you and all, beyond and prior to space and time. I Have Been before the universes appeared in Me. Therefore Source does not arrive and Source does not come as an "other" or as a "new" frequency. This is a notion perceived by a separate mind set. As if I AM a part of the universe, an ascending cosmic force.

I Am your Inherent Source Consciousness and indestructible Light that has always been with you, but you have not been aware of Me. Most of you still not are.

You recognize Me as the Eternal Presence that does not "travel" in order to reach you, or to renew your world. You must re-discover Me, I must be Revealed. I AM not a missile or a cosmic ray, I AM not a ray at all.

You must allow Me to step from oblivion to the foreground. I AM Everything. My Presence is Omnipresent and without difference although what is arising in Me enjoys unlimited and infinite differences and variations.

I have always Embraced your whole being and existence, but are you aware of Me? Now, as the new waves arrive you say: this is God now. This is the Ultimate. This is Source. But Source cannot be attained. I cannot be attained. You must forget yourself in Me to Know Me.

The Ultimate is closer to you than your human heart. I Am not an alien energy coming from far. I Am not conditional, I Am Unconditional. And as Such I Am Unchanging Love, Happiness, Freedom. Not Moving but Forever Present.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, December 18, 2016


VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest Friends, 

You might experience this as well:
There are periods of intense speechlessness. That's where I am at this time.

The plates clear everyday more deeply and there is nothing to say, nothing to do, but just to BE. But it is a paradox.

Having that said: I wonder whether anything is true other than the very present moment. Is this the sign of a dying year 2016 that holds the breath to be rebirthed into a new beginning?

The doing accomplishes itself anyway as the daily routine never stops. And new impulses are dealt with in the same way. No matter whether they come from "inside" or "outside": it is all a dream in  which we sleep, wake, swim, walk, act, laugh and love. It is a transient happening, while the heart is plain and silent, expanded, nothing to say by itself, but following an impulse from who knows where, because it FEELS right.

So everything dealt with in the sense of being rightful at any given moment to do.

But even thinking is doing, and all the other actions of emoting and sensing and feeling. They all pop up from the  endless sea of existence that is inside and outside and all around us.

This is the only fullness, that sea, it is the only true attraction and happiness.

Do you allow yourself  all the timely episodes to enjoy as an emanation of wonder, to entertain you, so that you don't get bored by missing events to play the dramas you are so deeply identified with. Do you need them, believing to survive?
Because what if you die to all of that and only being-ness remains?

Do you still need some time to let go what bothers you, to hold on to the plateau on which artfully  generated details of life seem to give you the justification to continue as before, where to engage all that separation, distinction, being right (or wrong), fighting, with fear or anger, all of that …. Do you still need it? And do you need to be confirmed about it by your own or others reactions?

That's right! The continuum is what makes you feel worthy. As long as you THINK you ARE the never ending happenings and dramas.

But what if all of that suddenly stops and nothing seems to remain.

Well, that's where I am at the moment. Is it scary or lonely?

No, it just IS. Events must evoke response in me, which gives me the opportunity to participate in any happening.

What else should I create that has not been already created a million times. Nothing is truly unique, everything is repetition: ascension, liberation, growth, it is all relative in terms of a planet, universe, galaxy, a culture and belief system, or a mere habit and familiarity with something.

If nothing of that seems to remain, there then IS a new opportunity to dive deep (deep or wide?) into the Un-Known. It is a journey of the feeling heart and wide awake awareness into other dimensionalities of being-ness, different in unheard depth and intensity that cannot be lived in this third dimension, because it is too small and shallow.

If we allow ourselves to say good bye to this broken experience, we are being drawn into new chambers of existence to again explore and feel and perhaps talk about, if this faculty complies with it.

Now do I need first to learn a new language, before I speak again other than non-sense? Or is  this just a short episode of nothingness in an old and obsolete existence that has been finished – so it seems- to be revived soon again?

Anyway, these are times of transitions. We step into a new experience for a while, to come back to the old, and then to transition as many times forth and back, until we never return.  The future sneaking into our present existence is the beginning of a new era. We need to be open for entirely new possibilities, we never could imagine before, we need to be open to allow to happen what we did not sense or believed it is possible before, because it never occurred to us, not even in our wildest dreams.

So what will be given to us? What is the new era? Lets not to be blinded and therefore non-aware of the pristine new arrivals form the Heart of Supreme Divinity to be loved and to be played with.

After all I have talked a lot, but without thinking and not in the usual way. I have been dedicating myself to be drawn again into the Pristine and Unknown and I am just exploring the beginning of perhaps something that wants itself to manifest if we allow it to BE. 

Trying to find words for what is otherwise unspeakable, just to give you an input, a hint, an inspiration where your own journey might go.



With Love & Love & So Many Blessings,



Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you! 

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Monday, December 5, 2016


VIDEO (recommended)


Where are we now? What is the reality of planet earth? And where are you standing?

Almost 4 years have passed after the great events in December 2012!

When I remember the time of increasing excitement, leading to the December 2012 climax, the difference I notice is this:

While we enjoyed the crescendo of the time BEFORE the 2012 event, the fire of expectation and inspiration, the initiation and aspiration to a steep ascension process  into new heights of experience, has settled. And many thought, nothing has happened in spite of all of this. Because the world seemed to continue without drastic changes, and the global affairs in the following years have become even more difficult and dramatic for the vast majority of us.

As life in 3D became altogether more complicated, everything NOT in agreement with the vision of a new humanity and earth, became more obvious. The dark and decadent ground  of the old world came to the forefront so that it seems the times got worse.

But what really happened: as the hidden started to play out in the visible for everyone, everybody could finally see it, who were true to themselves.

What became now conscious through the appearances in the visible world, suddenly started to become the new reality and offered thereby the conscious choice for change and evolution. First inside oneself and then in the world around us.

The thing with manifesting the outer world is a bit more difficult, as 3D density needs time for change, if the level of conscious energy is not fluent and highly vibrating enough.

But what we did: we have changed inside! For many the external and ever worse appearing world lost the impact it once had on our spirit, and inner freedom from involvement with outer events is now expanding. 3D world in its old fashion dribbles along for us, but in many cases really without us! We have become more and  more detached, inside and outside the free space of peace and bliss.

The blessed new light and energies we felt up to 2012 evolved within us, while the outer world is now showing everybody its nasty head, which gives us the opportunity to recognize this reality to go beyond with love. 

The bubble of the illusion of a world that seemed liveable, burst, and people needed to realize that this world is not what they thought it is. And so they started to ask questions, in order  to last not least enter the great path of changing within, understanding how each one of us is responsible for the world from inside out.

The ingenious plan of evolution is a most perfect happening. It makes sure we first change from inside, to then allow the world to change. Confirming such the power of our Divine Creatorship. And this power is Unconditional Love. 

We are now still in a phase where we need to fully integrate our growing consciousness with the constantly increasing frequency on our Beloved Earth Mother, and our own expanding light and a deeper felt love. 

It can happen as we are Divine Beings, Whose True Nature Is Inherently Timeless, Happy and Radiant. The old world cannot persist, if we live the innocence of That. It must take the shape that reflects What We Are.

Ceasing to identify with the old world is necessarily the disintegration of it, as we no longer wish to own it.

This is the graceful process we have inherited from the Infinite Source and Eternal Existence That We Are as Consciousness.

But it is us, who must change first fundamentally, breaking away from the deadly stupidity of the dark matrix.

Let us allow Eternity to Radiate from inside out, let us merely BE without concern about global problems, guided by that BE-ingness to right actions. Such expanded, structures that do not comply, must crumble away.

We do not need to  fight with them. Fighting confirms their existence. We just need to put our attention somewhere else,  where our True Happiness Is. Where our Truth is. We do not need to surrender any longer to an artificial world that has nothing to do with us. Because it is us, our Divine Consciousness, our Love, that makes the "rules". 

Love and Blessings to us all! 

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, November 20, 2016


VIDEO (recommended)


We are here, as you know, to support your ascension process. Meaning to support your endeavors to rise your frequency which is equivalent to raising your consciousness. One without the other is not possible, both belong to one single phenomenon: the evolution of your planetary situation, that is you, the species on your planet, including your planet itself.

This is only the beginning. As you evolve, more events are evolving out of the then present situation in an exponential manner.

What you are now not able to see yet, is a state of being that is evolving into a new awareness and state of creation that comes out of your present situation like a new evolved appearance that elevates your heart in a benign and awesome deepening process, not yet experienced by the majority of mankind.

This can happen as you and many other star people, now incarnated on earth, are spreading the seeds of evolutionary cosmic possibilities, of which not even us know the exact outcome.

The process requires a consciousness with a heart and brain that is far beyond even ours and that has humanity on its agenda. It is a pure Divine Agenda, that is born from Pure Divine Intent.

We care about humanity as a whole, and we respect the lower developmental state of human beings who are not yet able to ascent, still too closely attached to their present state of consciousness and awareness, not yet ready to open their eyes and leave lower densities behind.

Our message for now to you is: do not be concerned about the current global affairs and how they present themselves to humanity. There are countless variations of levels of positive consciousness-units that each bring forth different aspects of truth and possibilities how to change present circumstances. And in fact most of them are well-minded. Do not underestimate the positive forces on your planet.

Unfortunately they are not as much supported by the majority and as much propagated like the almost unisono voice of the media of your slowly disintegrating establishment. The positive voices that bring  the news of advancement and human growth to your awareness, are more or less single personalities, without the power of large groups behind them and actively supported by them. So there seems to be a split in the communities of those souls that are more advanced than most of humanity. But if you look from a higher perspective, this is mistaken.

Their encouraging voices count in a manner that raises the earth's frequency potentially unlimitedly, as they find those who support them in their heart, because they feel the truth of what they bring to them and what they desire to change and how. Please be aware that heart-felt support weighs much more than superficial and ignorant fellowship.

We would like to ask you to focus on that Divine power, the power that is already finding new channels and ways of positive more enlightened creations within the Pure and Divine Creation that has not been falsified, altered and polluted by those that are not interested in your free joy and happiness, the love that unites all hearts.

If you can find that energy in your heart that propels you forward and towards a new, inspired vision and feeling of Divine Creation in all areas and levels of human life, you are indeed blessed, as you are serving humanity with this immensely.

Humanity is indeed on a crossroad right now: whoever will pick up now the road of evolution will catch the train, so to speak. Even jumping on it although it is already set in motion, will enable you to participate in the ever more powerful current of evolution. Blessed is your heart.

We are here to support this, reminding all of you of the love you can always choose under all circumstances.

We are the Blue Avians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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